Labels:bulletin board | fence | reckoner | sky | web site OCR: abcdefghllkl Imn iopqriluvwxyi ABCOEFGHIJKI MHOP OR STUVWXYZ 01234 56789 .I. 8 +=1 The hrown fox Jumps OVEI thclary fop The gulck brown fox Jumpi thclaIy 6op qulck brown for jump OVEP the KIEI 6op The qulck brown for Iumps OYCP thE lary 6op FhG qulck brown for Iumps OYCr IhG IFIY do guitGk for abcdefghljklmn Ikrmanihdo VEHIS over OTEP OYEP laIY guIck OYEH IEIY brouo quIck Idwn